Sunday 29 September 2013

Corporate culture

Theory of corporate culture

The beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions. Often, corporate culture is implied, not expressly defined, and develops organically over time from the cumulative traits of the people the company hires.

The great thing about Microsoft's  corporate culture is :

1) Team would fit in rightly and would perform quickly.
2)They are able to live their desired legacy.

The not great thing about Microsoft's corporate culture is :

1) The employees has less opportunity to talk about their ideas



Students will look at interstice needs and wants on workers and then look at financial and non financial methods to motivate staff. Students should make the linkages between leadership style , motivation , needs and wants.

Maslow hierarchy of needs:

Self actualization - knowledge, meaning, self awareness and self fulfillment
Esteem - Achievement , status, responsibility, reputation
Social - Family, affection relationship and work group
Safety- protection, security, order, low, limit, stability
Physiological- air, food, drink , shelter, warmth, sleep

Job enlargement - task to perform at a certain level
Piece rate salary-  paid per unit
Job enrichment - range task increase skill
Empowerment - motivate people
Profit share- share in business
Performance based salary - basic + commission
Job rotation - change job
Fringe benefits - in center

There are few quotes below, how Bill Gates motivate his employees:

1) “It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.”

2) “Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.”

3) “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

4) “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

5)“Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one.”

The quotes that Bill Gates have said , it really can motivate people through speech !


Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocations or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, productivity and performance. if a new employee who is new to your company without get in any training i am pretty sure that the employee doesn't know to do anything even though he have experienced.

There are two types of training:

1) On time training
2) Off time training

On time training -One-job training, sometimes called direct instruction, is one of the earliest forms of training . It is a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do a task shows another how to perform it.
Off time training - Off-the-job training includes more general skills and knowledge useful for work, as well as job-specific training. Training may be provided by specialist trainers working, by an outside company hired to help with training.'

Bill gates soft skill training
Bill Gates is very much an introvert. But look how he acts in the media spotlight, how he conducts business. He hides his shyness so well. People can train themselves to pick up extroverted traits, so they look confident and likable, when you speak to clients or bosses, breathe from the center  Prepare beforehand so you speak fast. Shake hands firmly, walk with large strides. And no matter how tiring it is, remember it’s temporary. It’s just for a few hours, then it’s over, you can go home.

Saturday 28 September 2013


What is recruitment?

Recruitment refers to a kind of employment where a company makes a contract with the employee and does the employer’s administrative duties. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. To get a new employees, they will have an interview for the employees and see whether they are suitable for the job or not.

Job specification and Job description 

Job description

Job description is a written statement that defines the duties, relationships and results expected of anyone in the job. It is an overall view of what is to be done in the job. Typically it includes is a written statement that defines the duties, relationships and results expected of anyone in the job. It is an overall view of what is to be done in the job. Typically it includes

Job Title 
Title of immediate supervisor 
Statement of the Purpose of the Job
Primary Responsibilities
List of Typical Duties and Responsibilities
General Information related to the job
Training requirements
Tool use
Signature of the person who has prepared the job description

Job Specification

Job Specification is an analysis of the kind of person it takes to do the job, that is to say, it lists the qualifications. Normally, this would include is an analysis of the kind of person it takes to do the job, that is to say, it lists the qualifications. Typically this would include

Degree of education
Desirable amount of previous experience in similar work
Specific Skills required
Health Considerations

How does  Bill Gates recruit the staff he needs?

He Gathered all the people applying and among the 1000 applicants was one Lebanese guy... so Bill starts talking: " As you know that this job is for Microsoft, so in order to be considered for the job u would have to have programming skills , so if you don't have that skill please leave the room" from the 1000 some 500 left the room since they don't know any programming. Next Bill Gates asks:"this job is abroad so, anyone not willing to travel please leave the room" so again some 200 left the room and only 300 are left...again the Lebanese stays thinking to himself that he does not want to travel but would stay to see how it goes. Next Bill Gates says: "being abroad, you will need to know other languages to be considered so please leave if u don't know other languages" 200 leaves, now 100 left and Bill Gates asks that the people left they need to know a certain language which is Portuguese and have to be fluent so everyone leaves except the Lebanese and another person Bill Gates now has to decide between these 2 so he says: since u 2 are left and u both know how to speak Portuguese i would like to hear u speak with each other in Portuguese"
the Lebanese looks at the other guy and says: " SHOU YA AIR"
the other guy replies: "SHOU YA MANYAK"

Mind you, I am not only perfect I AM LEBANESE TOO

My opinion on Bill Gates's recruitment

I think that Bill Gates's recruitment is open, he say the recruitment out openly that he hope what the employee would be, it is fast and also can test the employee's persist. I would like to work there because the salary of the company is high.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Organization Structure

Organization Structure

An organization structure is representing the differences level of responsibilities of a company, and how their decision put into the management structure.Organizational structure determines how the roles, power and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and how information flows between the different levels of management. A tall organization is one in which there is a long chain of command. Different levels of the organization are known as hierarchy.  A flat organization has a short chain of command.
Chain of commands

Chain of commands usually being used in a big company. An example through the picture, the top of the people is the Boss and follow by the Manager , Assistants and workers. In chain of commands of businesses, the boss give orders only to those directly below them in the chain of command and the workers receive orders only from those directly above.

Span of commands

A span of control is the number of people who report to one manager in a hierarchy. The more people under the control of one manager - the wider the span of control. Less means a narrower span of control.

Bill Gates's organization and structure


Microsoft is a public corporation. Shareholders elect the board of directors, who in turn hire the top executives including the president, vice presidents, secretary and treasurer. The company must follow Washington state's laws regarding a corporation and must also abide by Securities and Exchange Commission regulation for financial reporting. As of July 2010, Steve Ballmer held the title of CEO, while co-founder Bill Gates was the chairman.


As of 2010, the company has a divisional organization as described by Richard L. Daft in his book, "Management." Each division, or product group, focuses on a specific line of goods and services. Each group has its own research and development, sales and customer service staff. Daft says although this type of organization is more expensive, it allows the groups to better serve their customers. Each product group has one executive in charge who reports directly to the company's president.

My opinion on his organization structure

In his book "Management," Daft describes how companies benefit from using a divisional, or group, organization. The entire group is often in one location, allowing more interaction and better communication between all the employees developing or supporting one line of products. Daft adds that having a smaller business unit means each division can develop new products and get them to market faster, making it easier to compete against rivals.

Monday 26 August 2013

Bill gates

The co-founder of Microsoft has been consistently ranked as one of the richest men in the world. Gates, on the other hand, has never succumbed to the temptations of his wealth and has pledged to part with massive amounts of it for charitable causes.
Bill gates quotes:
"It's fine to celebrate successes but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure"
"If i had some set idea of finish line, don't you think i would have crossed it years ago?"


What is "Leader" ???

A leader is a person who have  high span of control to inspire or control a group of people and applying the leader's knowledge and skill to lead the members to a better way.

What is leadership?

Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more effective.

"Leadership style"

There are three types of leadership style that i am going to mention, which is autocratic, democratic and Laissez-Faire.

1) Autocratic - A leader who have a lot of power (span of control) over their people. The team member have little opportunity to give suggestion, they only follow the the leader order.
2) Democratic - A leader who make the final decision with team member after the decision process. The team member have the opportunity to give suggestion to the leader.
3) Laiseez-Faire -  A leader who allow their people to make decision by themselves

My Opinion
In my opinion, three of the style have their own advantages and disadvantages, to be a good leader you must know to use different leadership style in different situation.